Avaya Headquarters

Raleigh, NC

43,000 SF


As a technology company specializing in internet telephony, wireless data communications & customer relationship management software. Avaya found itself constrained in its existing large outdated space. The existing space did not convey “cutting edge” & it did not reinforce the Avaya brand. While at O’Brien Atkins I designed a more current aesthetic in a new location on floors in RTP totaling 43,000 SF.

With the new space design, Avaya recognized the need for global space standards for its worldwide network of offices. I implemented these standards at offices in: Bejing, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Londaon, Riyadh, Tokyo, Basking Ridge NJ, Miami FL, Oklahoma City OK, and Santa Clara CA.


-Promote collaboration & cross-pollination between teams & individuals

-Attract new talent

-Reinvent Avaya Brand and Culture

-Add Amenities